Tag Archives: Kräftskiva

Kräftskiva (Crayfish Party) in Uppsala 2013

Kräftskiva (Crayfish Party) is a Swedish holiday that’s celebrated in August. Unfortunately (or fortunately) it doesn’t have an assigned date, which means that you can spend your whole August going to various Kräftskiva feasts. But first you need to buy Kräftskiva supplies.


Kräftskiva involves making funny hats, eating food, and drinking schnapps while singing Swedish drinking songs.


The night is livened up by singings schnapps songs (Sweden is the only Nordic country with songs about schnapps).


The meals are lighter, in that you mainly eat Kräftskiva (crayfish) with a salad, cheese, bread, and potatoes…and dessert 🙂 You really have to work to open up the crayfish, and there’s just not a lot inside, sadly. But at least it tastes better than Sweden’s next holiday: eating surströmming. Click here to see what surströmming is all about.
